Monday, August 31, 2009

New feature!

I've started planning out a new section of the website called 'hello.' (for now), and it will utilise what I've been learning at uni to allow people to post a comment (hopefully).
It works out well, because I need to do this for an assessment at uni, so when/if I figure everything out, I'll update the webpage immediately.
This will be my first useful dynamic website.
It's also a lot of work, for not much design value (which is really not for me, but could be handy to learn either way).
Anyway, this assignment is due in a couple of weeks, so keep refreshing, ha ha.


Friday, August 28, 2009


Finally got around to updating the website again.
Nothing huge.
Minor change to home page, and an updated flora gallery.
I Kinda like the first image in that gallery, although I'm hanging to get a newer/better camera for that kind of stuff.

Anyways, uni assignments are calling my name for another hour or so.
Then Friday Fever should kick in.

End transmission.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Really coming along and starting to understand basic PHP at the moment.
Currently working on how to leave comments on my work.
Should hopefully be a more interactive website in a few months.

I'm also about to start sketching some logo ideas.
Stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A logo

Hello there,
I've just jumped back into the busy uni life after a bit of a relaxing weekend.
Last week was a little bit busy, although it's got nothing on the weeks to come...
Been scribling a few sketches during a boring 2 hour lecture on design history, which I pretty much did at school anyways.
I've come up with a few logo designs, although I'm sure there's something better out there.

Till next time,
End Transmission.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Currently sucks.
But, we're learning PHP and SQL at the moment.
My first assignment for that class is basically to create a dynamic version of my current website.
So, expect to see some dynamic changes in the future.
I'm also guessing I'll be uploading the assignment into a section once it's complete (in about 4 weeks).

Surf is calling my name.
End transmission.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Busy, busy.

Been quite busy over the weekend, but haven't even thought about the website.
Got a hectic week at uni coming up, so probably won't post anything new for a while.
Reached 4000 hits over the weekend.
Pretty keen to hit 5000 now.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Starting a blog...
Had to think about this, but thought it could be a nice addition to have instead of creating a 'news' section on my website.
So basically, I'll be updating this with news when there is any.
I'm guessing it will be frequently updated when I'm not away and when I don't have hectic uni assignments due.
Anyways, today I've added:

- New stuff in the 'surf' section called 'Half-hour at Sir Leslie's'.
- New stuff in the 'leisure/photography' section called 'Things I Like'.
- And a blog...

Weekend time now, so probably won't update the website for a few days.

p.s. also reached 3000 hits today... If only I was getting paid per hit!